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2019 Greek Awards Banquet

Each year, the Interfraternity Council and TU Administration recognize members of the Greek community as well as specific organizations for excelling in a number of categories. This year, two of our brothers received recognition for their efforts. Brother Palmer Watkins was named the 2018-2019 Outstanding Philanthropist for his thousands of hours of community service. Brother Griffen Livermore was named IFC's 2018-2019 Outstanding Senior. Both of these men are excellent Kappa Sigmas and represent our ideals well.

The highest honor bestowed on a Greek organization is the Circle of Excellence. The Circle of Excellence consists of six Points of Excellence in various areas. This year, Kappa Sigma was awarded the Point of Excellence for Philanthropy. Our excellent relationship with the Little Light House, donations to the Military Heroes Campaign, as well as our involvement in collecting donations for the Endowment Fund, which awards scholarships to deserving undergraduates, elevated us safely above our peers. Giving back is part of what it means to be a Kappa Sigma and we couldn't be more proud to have been recognized for the work we have done this past year.


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2019 Greek Awards Banquet

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